Our Previous Site had a Montage of our favorite shots. We have recreated and updated it here.

Baby Lin

Summer Fun

Quintessential Dory

    Momma and daughter

Skiffy Booo


Dory and Parents

Best Special, Best Puppy

Lin: Puppy Group Placement

Girls at the beach

Lin at the dock

Dory retrieves at 9 weeks

Selkie jumpin' off dock

Skiff: dirt eater from birth


Who is the sign for?

Quintessential Lin

Dory's first hunt test

Best Special, Best Puppy AGAIN

Grandpa and first litter

Snow balls are GREAT

Channel markers

Selkie the seal

    Feline Flat-Coat

Surveying their domain
Demonstrating "HOLD"
Girls and decoys and leaves

Our first breed champion

Lin's first Hunt test

Dory playing with one of her pups

Boeller-pup retrieving

Selkie: minutes old

Dory's first hunt

Cliff is a proud grandpa

Motherhood is exhausting

Skiff: living kennel logo

Xmas 04 out-take