Our Dogs

Our first ribbon: 4th in 12-16 Month Sweeps, Canadian National 1996

Our first Winner's at a Supported Entry


Dory's last show: BOS from the Veterans Class

Our favorite show shot of Lin; BOS at a local spring show.

Lin: 3rd in Open at 2001 Canadian National (the only shot that came out!)

Skiff and Selkie get first majors at CRFCRC Supported Entry

Selkie's third major win and BOS over specials

Selkie finishes going Best of Winners on 2 consecutive days

Skiff's third major; handled completely in Bred-by Exhibitor class.

Skiff wins Working Retriever class at Supported Entry.

Dory Pups (and relatives)

Val finishes championship, owner-handled by Joan

Deke finishes championship, owner-handled by Don (with Sue looking on)

Deke goes BOB with proud handler Don

Boeller goes Winners and BOS, handled by momma Paula

Davis takes 2nd in Stud Dog at 2003 US National, with sons Sammy and (1/2 brother) Skiff

Briggs goes Reserve Winners at his first show (a Supported Entry)!